As the easing of restrictions is mapped out and we head towards summer, our members are looking forward to our Return to Fencing. BF has gathered a toolkit of tasks and information designed to help affiliated clubs and members prepare.
Across our website, social platforms and via e-mail BF will be providing a tour of all it has to offer in Returning to Fencing. This will include member tasks such as making sure your contact information is all correct, as well as engaging with new features such as BFTV and the Playwaze platform. There will also be focuses for clubs, eg. are your welfare officers and risk assessments up to date?
To start, we are encouraging all affiliated clubs to check the information on their club’s sport80 membership profile is correct. BF sends out updates to Club Admins, COVID-19 Officers and Welfare Officers via e-mail so make sure the right people are listed to be kept in the loop.
Currently, you can only assign one Welfare and COVID-19 Officer per club so please make sure that the contact knows to share any information with other officers.
Whilst you are on the profile it’s a good idea to check any other information such as the addresses linked to the club or the web address.
Once all updated don’t forget to click ‘SAVE’.
A pdf of the above instructions with step by step pictures can be found here.
To find more tasks like these search ‘Return to Fencing’ on any of our platforms.
As always, we will continue to update our COVID-19 advice here, with dedicated pages for clubs and coaches.
You can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email – The Fencing Digest – featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.