Clubs in England can continue to offer fencing under the existing Return to Fencing guidance. Club risk assessments should be reviewed.
Following the government announcement on 22nd September the government has published a summary of new national measures here.
These measures state “Indoor organised sport for over 18s will no longer be exempt from the rule of six“.
BF’s existing guidelines for fencing are already based on the rule of six.
Therefore, in light of the published measures, the BF guidance issued on 25th July (published here) is still valid and remains in place for clubs in England.
All COVID-19 officers must review their club risk assessments in light of these new measures and any local lockdown requirements. This should be done in partnership with venue managers. If necessary, additional mitigation measures should be brought in to ensure adherence to government guidance and further protect participants.
In relation to fencing activities, we strongly encourage clubs and members to adhere to the published BF guidelines and ensure that any decision taken by clubs not to implement recommended risk reduction measures are based on a rigorous assessment of the presented risks.
We would ask clubs to pay particular attention to the measures in place to prevent groups of 6 mixing – before, during and after fencing activity. As a reminder, those fencers unable to wear a face covering whilst fencing (clubs/members are expected to adapt the intensity of sessions to facilitate this) should wear a mask liner/shield.
Decisions by clubs to allow individuals to engage in fencing activity indoors without a face covering or mask liner/shields in England must be notified to BF. This is to help us better understand the situation and potentially make further adaptations to equipment and guidelines.
With regards to coaching, we have noted that the measures include ‘guidance stating that face coverings and visors should be worn in close contact services will now become law (from 24 September)‘. Coaches should review their coaching practice and make adaptations as applicable (face visors are not required when fencing masks are worn).
Please also note this message from the BF Medical Officer here.
FAQs can be found here.
Please check back regularly to the website or follow our social media channels for further updates and announcements.