The True Athlete Project announces further workshops – free for BF members
TAP runs mindfulness-based, socially-conscious programmes for coaches and athletes of all sports, and at all levels, from grassroots to Olympians. Through its working relationship with TAP, BF is able to offer a further series of free workshops and development opportunities to the fencing community.
24th June, 7-9pm: The Importance of Love & Compassion for Athletic Performance led by Olympian fencer Laurence Halsted
This workshop examines why competitive sport is perfectly suited for developing the value of compassion, both for oneself and for others.
We will explore how an approach to competitive sport founded on love has greater potential power than traditional notions of sport being about ruthlessly seeking to dominate and defeat your opponents at all costs.
25th June, 7.45-8.30pm: Mindfulness Drop-In Class led by Yong Oh
30th July, 7.45-8.30pm: Mindfulness Drop-In Class led by Sam Parfitt
7th August, 7-9pm: Cultivating Gratitude to Optimise Performance led by Dr Nicole Gabana
Cultivating a grateful mindset during times of adversity can build resilience, enhance well-being, and optimize performance. In this class, athletes will gain practical knowledge and skills on how to use gratitude to shift their perspective, be present in the moment, build connection, and cope effectively, particularly when facing uncertainty in sport and in life.
Coming soon:
27th August, 7.45-8.30pm: Mindfulness Drop-In Class led by (TBC)
TBC September: Embracing Vulnerability in Sport led by Todd Iarussi and Laurence Halsted
Full descriptions and further information about TAP is available on their website here.
As places are limited, any BF member who would like to attend a workshop is invited to apply for a free place by emailing Sam Parfitt [email protected]