BF had its first Welfare Discussion Event of 2022 last week. A big thank you to all those who attended, it was great to have you all together again. We covered a range of topics, please scroll down to see our summary.
Current COVID Status
As we continue to move forward with COVID and more restrictions are being lifted it is important for BF clubs to continue to consult with all key members, such as welfare officers, to ensure that their risk assessment and practices are up to date.
For help with risk assessments please see the template available here. If you have a specific query please get in touch – [email protected].
Key advice:
Code of Conducts
Many BF clubs are taking the opportunity as members return to reintroduce and update their working Codes of Conducts. Having members commit to a set of standards allows clubs to continue to run sessions safely and ensure an enjoyable fencing environment for all.
A great practice is to get club participants to work together to write elements of the Code of Conducts, this ensures that all views are represented and will encourage positive adoption.
New BF Safeguarding Structure
BF & EF have agreed on a new structure to improve safeguarding support in fencing in England. This sees the responsibility for managing the delivery of safeguarding services in the Regions move from Regional Committees to British Fencing.
Safeguarding in England will be split into five areas (NW, NE, Midlands, SE and SW) each with its own Area Safeguarding Officer (ASO). Each ASO will take responsibility for 2 or 3 regions and will be supported by at least one Deputy Area Safeguarding Officer (DASO). All these roles are voluntary and report to the BF Lead Safeguarding Officer.
Where a Region has an existing qualified, active Regional Welfare Officers BF will be looking to support them to continue in their role with that Region, either as an ASO or DASO.
For further information please see the full news post here.
Also, there is an opportunity to be part of the framework as an Area or Deputy Area Officer – please see vacancy details here.
To ensure you are always kept in the loop please check that all your member contact details are up to date on the sport80 platform.
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