We believe that everyone associated with British Fencing has a part to play in looking after the children with whom we are working. This is both a moral and arguably a legal obligation. The Children Act 1989 indicates that anyone who has the care of children should “do what is reasonable in all circumstances for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child’s welfare.”
Abuse can occur anywhere there are children – at home, at school, at an event, at the club. Sadly, there are some people who will seek to be where children are simply in order to abuse them.
These child protection procedures stem from the following principles:
If you have any concerns about the welfare of young people or vulnerable adults, please report your concern.
Make sure you have attended one of the approved safeguarding courses. Keep up-to-date with the latest in safeguarding good practice by visiting https://thecpsu.org.uk/.
Familiarise yourself with the safeguarding policies of the environments you are working in and make sure you know who is responsible for welfare.
All clubs must have a Welfare Official in place who is not connected to any coach within the club. The Welfare Official will be responsible for making sure that the safeguarding policies and procedures are in place.
All events where under 18’s and vulnerable adults at risk may be participating (not just as a fencer, referees and volunteers should also be considered) must have a Welfare Official in place who is not a member of DT. This person should be clearly identified to participants – eg posters on check-in.
All regions are expected to have a Area Welfare Officer in place who is responsible for supporting the Club Welfare Officers in their area and working with the Home Country and BF Welfare Officers.
Make sure you have the policies and procedures in place to protect children and adults at risk and these are regularly discussed and communicated. BF have a range of welfare policies that can be adapted.