Last Updated: 24.04.2024
The 2024 Senior Championships will be held on the 27th-28th April 2024 at EIS Sheffield, Coleridge Road, Sheffield, S9 5DA.
This is a Senior and Junior Ranking event. The Senior event has a ranking multiplier of 600, the Junior event a multiplier of 300.
A separate competition for D-, E- and U-rated Foil and Epee fencers will be taking place alongside the Senior Nationals at the same venue on the 28th April 2024. For more info and to enter, see here: British Fencing D E U Championships (Foil and Epee)
Saturday 27th April – Individual Events
Sunday 28th April – Team Events
Eligibility and Membership Level
British Championships at Junior, Under 23 and Senior levels will be open only to those holding British nationality, including those holding multiple nationalities, provided the fencer does not hold an FIE licence issued for a country other than Great Britain. More information on eligibility can be found here: Eligibility for British Championships
For the British Team Championships, each team may have a maximum of one fencer who does not hold British nationality or holds an FIE licence for another federation other than British Fencing.
NOTE: All fencers for both the individual and team events must hold a British Fencing Compete Membership.
Entry Process
Entry Process: Information on the entry process and timeline for the event can be found here: Entering the 2024 British Championships
Entry Fee:
Individual Events: £98
Team Events: £180
Club Quota referee provision is not in place at this event. All referees will be invited by BF for both days of competition.
Applications must be completed per athlete. For multiple athletes from one household, please complete separate application forms.
Applications close:
All applicants will be told the outcome of their application by close of play on Friday 22nd March (first entry window) or Friday 29th March 2024 (open entry)
Applicants will then be contacted by the BF Events Team with further information on how to enter the event.
Entry Timeline (Individual Events)
Entry Timeline (Team Events)
Equipment and Weapons Control
Equipment: All fencers must wear the correct kit as per British Fencing rules. This will include FIE chest protectors (m.25 4(c) ) and 800N sabre gloves (please see important reminder here: Sabre Gloves)
Masks with two rear safety systems are now required – see further information from the Safety Committee here: Rear Safety Systems
Weapons control: Weapons control will be in operation for the individual foil and sabre events, focusing on conductivity testing.
The following items ONLY will be required to be presented to weapons control:
For foil and epee, masks, gloves, weights and gauges will be checked on the piste by referees.
Please note that the weapons control is not intended to act as a full safety check. The primary purpose of the check is to ensure equipment meets the conductivity requirements – i.e. scoring hits are registered. However, equipment may still fail due to safety reasons.
It remains the fencer’s responsibility to ensure that personal fencing kit meets safety standards.
Weapons Control Opening Times:
Friday 26th April– 6-8pm
Saturday 27th April – 8am -1.30pm
For individual events (27th April 2024), fencers can withdraw up to 12noon the day before their competition using the online form here: Withdrawals
Any fencer who has entered and does not present themselves to fence, except in a case of properly authenticated ‘force majeure’, will be penalised with a £250 fine. Their British Fencing membership is suspended until the payment of fine is received.
On the day withdrawals can be done via phone using Event team contact number which is available via Sport80. Entered athletes will be emailed with further details closer to the event.
Media, Streaming and Photography
Live Streaming: We are continuing our commitment to live streaming at BF events. Further information on streaming schedule will be released in the weeks leading up to the event.
Media: Please note there will be filming and photography including live streaming at this event for BF purposes. If you do not give photography and filming permission for yourself or your athlete, please contact [email protected] before the event.
Photography Policy: Photography and video using smartphones for personal use only (including coaching and social media) is permitted.
Please be mindful of the age of participants, and read our photography safeguarding policy:
‘Live streaming’ or broadcasting video in any way, from any device including smartphones, is not permitted.
Anyone wanting to take photographs using any kind of professional or semi-pro camera equipment must apply for media accreditation in advance of the event – accreditation will not be available during competition. This means any kind of camera with a detachable lens, and/or using any kind of tripod or monopod.
Media accreditation is for still photography only – no pro or semi-pro video equipment is permitted. Please email: [email protected]
British Fencing reserves the right to refuse or withdraw photographic accreditation at any time without giving a reason.
NOTE: Any person taking photographs of any kind with any device must follow any instructions given by the BF media representatives, the Event Director, and / or the referees.
Accreditation: Accreditation will be in place for access to the Field of Play (FoP) at the event. There will be no access to the Field of Play without an accreditation.
General information
Video Refereeing: We anticipate that video refereeing will be in place from for the finals of the individual events, which will take place on the two ‘finals’ pistes.
Call Room: Call room will be in operation for the finals of the individual events only (Saturday 27th April)
Rule Changes: The new passivity rule introduced on the 1st January 2023 by the FIE will be implemented at the event.
Shop: Leon Paul will have a stand at the venue throughout the weekend.
Welfare: There will be a dedicated welfare officer at the event who will be clearly visible throughout. All welfare issues that arise at the event must be reported to the welfare officer present.
Sustainability: As part of BFs commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our sport, no single-use plastic bottles will be permitted on the field of play. We hope that the community will support efforts in this area and ensure that everyone brings re-useable bottles to the event.
Prayer Room: There will be a prayer room available at the venue for all three days. Please ask at reception or speak to a member of the team and they will direct you.
Disabilities: BF recognises that many disabilities are hidden and participants in competitions may need additional support throughout the event. Any disability information that you provide in your membership profile (provided that you have given permission to share) will be passed to the organising team and a member of the event welfare team will get in touch to discuss how we can help.
Alternatively you can contact us in advance either by emailing the events team directly [email protected], or the BF safeguarding lead ([email protected]).
Finally, you can ask speak to a member of the onsite team at check-in. Please note the earlier you raise any additional support needs, the better able we are to make reasonable accommodations.