
Last updated 17/3/23

The purpose of the BF Athlete Representation Panel (ARP) is to provide a representative voice for GBR athletes on the GBR international performance pathway to Olympic success (Athletes), in particular those involved with the BF Pathway programme (formerly the ADP). It is intended to:

  • provide a group for Athletes on the performance pathway to share their feedback on all aspects of the GBR system and structure (as delivered by the BF Athlete Development Programme, excluding the elements delivered by the EIS Para Fencing World Class Programme)
  • provide Athletes with a mechanism for ensuring their views on important matters are heard and communicated to the BF Senior Leadership Team and Board
  • provide a two-way communication link between the Athletes and the BF Senior Leadership Team and BF Board.

Athletes will be provided with free training to support them in their roles, delivered by the British Athletes Commission.

Following a nomination and election process supported by the British Athlete Commission (BAC), the BF Athlete Representative Panel consists of the following five athletes.

An Athlete Representative’s role is to represent all Pathway athletes – they are not restricted to representing their individual competition discipline or gender.

Kat Smith Taylor (Women’s Epee)
Billy Shepherd (Men’s Epee)
Gemma Collis (Women’s Para)
Piers Gilliver (Men’s Para)
Will Deary (Men’s Sabre)

(Please note that no nominations were received for athletes that fence women’s foil, men’s foil and women’s sabre.)

Statements from each athlete about their role as a representative are below. Contact details of the members of the panel are available via [email protected]. We will only give out contact details to verified GBR senior athletes that are members of BF.

The ARP will meet four times per year either in person during training camps and/or post competitions or via Zoom/Skype/Facetime.


More information:


Athlete Representatives


Kat Smith Taylor


Billy Shepherd


Gemma Collis


Piers Gilliver


Will Deary



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