Deadline of 4th February 2024 set for any remaining views to be submitted for consideration as part of BF’s Competition Gender Policy Review.
In July 2023 it was announced that British Fencing (BF) will be consulting with members and engaging with community groups and other relevant stakeholders as we go through the process of reviewing our Competition Gender Policy to ensure that it is reflective of the current research and other considerations for our sport in this area.
As part of this consultation a member survey was undertaken, which included a sample of members identified by researchers for deeper qualitative research/interview. BF also offered the opportunity for various lobbying groups to meet with representatives to share their thoughts and hear the diverse views of different groups. We would like to thank those organisations that engaged in that opportunity.
The next step in the process is to pull together all the information and views that we have received for consideration and a further update on this will be published.
Therefore the deadline for submitting any remaining views direct to British Fencing is 4th February 2024.
We would like to thank everyone that has already taken the time to respond to the survey or feedback on the forms above.
As a reminder: during this information and views gathering process, we are not in a position to engage in debate with individuals or organisations on this topic. If we receive unsolicited emails from people we will direct them to this post where they can review the opportunities to input into the process.