Eurostar have updated their online conditions of carriage: fencing swords are no longer classed as a restricted item, provided they are carried in a protective case and as part of a customers normal luggage allowance. Fencers will no longer need to notify BF before travelling.
The updated conditions of carriage can be found here.
Back in July, BF received confirmation from Eurostar that fencers can take fencing equipment (including fencing swords) on board as luggage provided it is carried in a protective case (see news post here).
Following that our members (and international fencers visiting the UK) were occasionally still experiencing issues with local security teams, in part due to the lack of clarity in published policies, BF put in place a notification procedure so that fencers could provide advance notice of travel bookings via British Fencing to Eurostar (see news post here).
Appendix 1 of the updated Eurostar conditions of carriage now specifically says ‘Please note fencing swords can be carried as permitted luggage provided they are in a protective case’.
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