BF launches ReActivate Training platform to provide free Covid-19 Awareness Training to coaches and volunteers.
Supported by Sport England, the CIMSPA accredited Covid-19 Awareness Training training is designed to support coaches and volunteers in England improve their knowledge and confidence in returning to their roles in sport and physical activity safely.
The course is not fencing specific and anyone undertaking the course is expected to refer to the additional fencing specific guidelines published by BF here.
Accessible on PC, laptop, tablet or mobile, the platform content focuses on COVID-19 and the best practices that you should use in your roles. You will need to watch/read all of the available resources in the modules available and complete some knowledge checks to gain your certificate.
To access the free training members need to register on the bespoke ReActivate COVID-Awareness training site (links below).
What happens next?
The platform uses a self-sign up process and is available to all BF members. Click on the link below that most suitably reflects your role, then fill in your details to sign up.
I am a coach or volunteer:
I manage and maintaining a facility:
I am a coach or volunteer and I manage and maintain a facility:
Upon log in you will be asked to complete some personal details including your membership number and name. Once you have done this you will be directed to your main dashboard – this is an overview of the training that is available to you and how many resources you have watched and have left to watch.
To access the ReActivate training content: Navigate to your library (button along the main top bar) and then select ‘Team ReActivate’, in here you will see multiple subcategories and within each is a range of content that you will need to watch/read before completing the knowledge check exam in each subcategory.
Once all resources have been viewed, and you have completed each of the knowledge checks, you will then be able to download your Covid-19 Awareness Training Certificate.
As this platform is supported by Sport England, the content is designed for clubs and members in England. For Covid Officers in Scotland, there is a separate Covid Officer e-learning module produced by Sport Scotland, available here.
The ReActivate platform has been funded by Sport England, commissioned by CIMSPA and brought to you by Future Active Workforce.
If you have any queries regarding your club’s return to fencing, contact us using this form. Many of the queries we get are answered in our guidance and resources here so we strongly recommend reading this in advance of contacting us.
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