The GB Cup will be held on 26-27th April 2025 with new eligibility rules and entry process in response to participant feedback.
The GB Cup is a BF Championship event aimed at DEU (intermediate) rated fencers.
For 2025, the GB Cup will take place alongside the British Senior Championships (26-27th April 2025) at EIS Sheffield.
The eligibility requirements have been updated for 2025 as follows:
The changes have been made to allow more fencers to access the competition as not all regions have been able to hold qualifying events. The introduction of the intermediate rankings, and DEU rating events is steadily building a community of local and regional fencers who would like the opportunity to fence in a British Championships.
Regions and Home Nations will continue to run intermediate and DEU events that contribute to intermediate rankings or ratings which in turn will allow fencers to be eligible for the GB Cup. For example novice/intermediate regional championships, smaller local opens.
Further information on the timeline for entries for the 2025 GB Cup will be available in January 2025.
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