In order for a coach to show on the BF Coach Register we confirm that they meet *minimum* eligibility standards – in terms of suitable criminal record checks, minimum safeguarding training, and minimum entry level coaching qualifications.
BF does not currently provide an additional verification process in relation to the other information supplied by coaches on the Coach Register. Coaches can choose to provide as much or as little detail as they wish. However if you have any concerns in relation to the information a coach is providing on the register you can contact us here.
Coaches are encouraged to work within their qualifications and competencies, and if they don’t they are not insured. If you are employing a coach on this register to provide anything other than community level group sessions – for example to give 1:1 lessons, work with fencers wishing to represent GBR – you should check their qualifications are appropriate (eg BF Level 2 and above qualifications are required to give 1:1 lessons) and take references.
It is a sign of good practice that coaches have updated and recent (last 6 years) British Fencing coaching qualifications and assessments. This is because coaching practice and teaching methods have changed significantly in the last 50 years and continue to do so. Fencing is no exception.
More information
A new system for the Coach Register was introduced in January 2021, replacing the old format published once every month. Registered Coaches must create a Coach Profile and ensure their certificates are uploaded on Sport80 to be added to the new system.
Read more about the new Coach Register here.
To see the Coach Register, click here.
To understand more about the process coaches go through to become a registered coach click here.
If you have any questions or need clarification, check this page with frequently asked questions. For specific requirements, please contact us here.
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