Opportunity to join the upcoming coaching course! Deadline extended to 08.02.2023.
With 9 places left to be filled, the Online ITCF course in Cardiff has had the booking deadline extended to 08.02.2023. The course is done partially online and is finished with a face-to-face session on 18.02.2023 led by Coach Developer Peter Russell.
The e-learning stage will require candidates to dedicate approximately 8 hours of study, plus additional time for the completion of a few assignments that must be submitted and reviewed before the final session. Therefore, the candidate must consider this timescale before signing up. The candidate should contact Peter Russell to agree on an extended deadline for the submission of assignments.
Online ITCF is the blended learning version of the original 2-day face-to-face Introduction to Coaching Fencing course. It has been used by BF in the high education space and is being offered to the wider BF community for the first time in 2023.
For a quick guide on its structure, please read the guide here:
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