Following an open recruitment process, the BF Board is delighted to appoint Alex O’Connell as an Independent Director.
Alex O’Connell enjoyed a successful fencing career from 1996 – 2012, competing in the 2008 Olympic Games for Team GB. Since retiring from fencing he has trained as a solicitor, working for seven years at a top London law firm before moving in-house in the drinks industry for the last five years. He is currently General Counsel and Company Secretary at Fever-Tree, where he also serves as secretary of the Board and each of its Committees.
On his appointment, Alex said: “I am excited to be given this opportunity to give back to the sport of fencing. I have always believed that high class performance can only be built on a flourishing club scene, a strong domestic circuit, good governance and most importantly an engaged membership and I look forward to the opportunity to help build a stronger future for the organisation and the sport.”
The open recruitment process was run internally by members of the BF Nominations Committee (NomCom).
Yashmin Harun, Chair of NomCom, said: “On behalf of the Board, I’d like to thank everyone who applied for the role. We are excited by the blend of experience and skills that Alex brings to the Board and I look forward to working with him.”
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