This page is intended for the athletes and coaches attending the Cadet and Junior European Championships 2020. It is also intended to provide information to non travelling parents and coaches. Please check back to this page regularly for information updates.
If you cannot find the information you need on this page or by following the links provided please contact [email protected] in the first instance. (Please note that we will not be able to reply to all emails personally but will update this page to answer the most common queries we receive.)
21st February – 2nd March 2020, Porec, Croatia
Applicable Selection Policies:
Junior Selection Policy can be found here.
Cadet Selection Policy can be found here.
If you think you might be selected (Juniors) or have been selected (Cadets) here are some steps to take now. Please read to the bottom of this information page first.
Selections have already taken place. Please see squad below.
Cadet Selection Policy can be found here.
The cut-off dates for Junior qualification results are as per the Junior calendar. Any discretionary forms must be completed and submitted in advance of this as per the relevant Selection Policy.
Junior Squad Selections will be formally announced following the final qualifying event in the last weapon.
Junior Squad Selections will be announced week starting 20.01.2020.
Junior Selection Policy can be found here.
You will receive an email from Sport:80. (If your name is showing as selected and you have not received an email please contact [email protected]. To accept your selection please follow the link in the email to log into the platform, click on the event and follow the entry process to pay the deposit amount shown by the deadline indicated. By accepting the selection and paying your deposit you are agreeing to abide by all BF Policies and Procedures including:
You are also accepting that you and your parents (if you are U18) understand the expectations on athletes competing for GBR which are laid out here. Athletes unable to meet these expectations should contact us before accepting selection.
Please note that due to the short timescales there will not be much time and if you do not accept the selection and pay you may risk being de-selected.
Mens Epee
Edward Scott-Payne Q -Accepted
Alec Brooke Q – Accepted
Joseph Walmsley Q – Accepted
Louis Taiwo-Williams Q – Accepted
NTR Jem Green Q
Womens Epee
Isabella Summers Q – Accepted
Patrycia Krzyzaniak Q – Accepted
Keira Papadopoulos Q – Accepted
Julia Caron Q – Accepted
NTR Abagael Black Q
Mens Sabre
Rory McLellan Q – Accepted
Sam Allen Q – Accepted
Ian Ho Q – Accepted
Maximillian Cromie Q – Accepted
NTR Darcy Holdsworth Q
Womens Sabre
Lexie Craze Q – Accepted
Bethany Brierley Q – Accepted
Amy Westwell -Accepted
Bea Abram-Moor – Accepted
NTR Zara Liu
Mens Foil
Oliver Strange Q _ Accepted
Rafael Rhys-Pollitt Q – Accepted
Jaimie Cook Q – Accepted
Dario Stenbeck-Schiavo Q -Accepted
NTR Jamie Briggs
Womens Foil
Carolina Stutchbury Q – Accepted
Amelie Tsang – Accepted
Martha Carus-Bird – Accepted
Madeleine Gale – Accepted
NTR Abigail
Q = qualified, NTR = non travelling reserve
Mens Epee
James Jeal – Accepted
Ben Andrews – Accepted
Billy Shepherd – Accepted
Aurelio Calipa – Accepted
NTR: Dylan Morrison
Womens Epee
Laura Sheffield Q – Accepted
Alexandra Powell – Accepted
Rachael Lever – Accepted
Louise Sadler – Accepted
NTR Maia Henderson-Row
Mens Sabre
Barnaby Halliwell Q – Accepted
Julian Richards II Q -Accepted
Luke Haynes Q – Accepted
Bertie Holdsworth – Accepted
NTR: Alexander Le Maitre
Womens Sabre
Sophia Potter Q – Accepted
Ellen Robbins-Wilkinson Q – Accepted
Hannah O’Reilly – Accepted
Elsie Llewellyn – Accepted
NTR: Bea Abram-Moore
Mens Foil
Cameron Evans Q – Accepted
Isaac Jolley Q – Accepted
William Lonsdale Q – Accepted
Matthew Abrahams Q – Accepted
NTR: Edmund Howlett
Womens Foil
Yasmin Campbell Q – Accepted
Teagan Williams-Stewart Q – Accepted
Bronwen Granville Q – Accepted
Mhairi McLaughlin Q – Accepted
NTR: Phoebe Newton Hughes Q
Q = qualified, NTR = non travelling reserve
The official tracksuit for the 2020 Cadet and Junior European and World Championships is the Nike branded tracksuit available here. Please note that the fulfilment time can be up to six weeks.
In accordance with the FIE rules the Official National Tracksuit must be worn in full on podiums. (No club tracksuits, cycling shorts etc)
It is your responsibility to ensure your kit has the correct logos/patches and your equipment meets FIE standards.
A summary of the latest rule changes can be found here.
As part of the terms of the Leon Paul sponsorship arrangement, all athletes competing are required to wear a Leon Paul logo. This should appear on the back arm. For foilists and epeeists the logo patch should be sewn onto the back arm ideally above the GBR logo. Sabreurs will need to have their lames printed directly by Leon Paul. This can be done at any event where Leon Paul have a printing service or at the Leon Paul shop. Alternatively you can contact [email protected] and they will send you patches to sew onto your lame jacket (you will need to specify the type of lame – eg lightweight).
Please note that NO logos of any description, other than the GBR national logo, should be on the breeches – the FIE rules changed in September 2019.
Please also note that the commemorative event patches should not be attached to the fencing jackets (or breeches) that you will be wearing at the event.
Individual Entry Fees: 60 euros (payable in advance)
Team Entry Fees: 200 euros (payable in advance)
Transfer Costs: 60 euros (payable in advance)
Hotel Costs: most athletes should expect to pay for 6 nights and should budget around £50-£60 B&B per night, based on a twin room
Staff (Chef de Mission and Team Managers) Contribution: £65/athlete
Referee Fee: 70 euros (payable in advance, for this event this is levied by the organiser NOT by BF)
Athlete Development Programme Subsidy: The Athlete Development Programme will be subsidising the cost to athletes of competing at the Europeans including:
a) paying for balance of the Chef de Missions, Team Managers to attend the event
b) covering team entry fees (200 euros per team)
c) covering the cost of ADP Coaches
This subsidy typically amounts to several hundred pounds per athlete.
The team hotel will be Valamar Crystal
Foil – Chris Galesloot
Sabre – Jon Salfield
Epee – John Rees
Epee – Olga Campofreda
Sabre – Nikolai Dinev
Andy Alderman
Peter Barwell
Philip Carson
Anthony Conyard
Keith Cook
Pierre Harper
Anna Katkova
Tamas Kovacs
Vladimir Meshkov
Tim Miles
Pawel Osmanski
Lavinia Oana Puiu
Dmitri Romankov
James Williams
ALL coaches must abide by the relevant BF policies including –[1].pdf and
Please Note: As there is a staff allocation that is less than the number of fencers attending we are unable to guarantee accreditation for all personal coaches. The personal coach allocation is split 50/50 between cadet and junior.
The applications for accreditations of personal coaches for the cadets have exceeded the available applications. Accreditations will be awarded based on
To complete an application for accreditation as a Personal Coach please click here.
There will be testing at the event.
Athletes: Athletes are solely responsible for any banned substance they use, attempt to use, or that is found in their system, regardless of how it got there and whether or not they had an intention to cheat. Athletes must
Coaches: As announced in September 2019, any coach wishing to accompany a GBR athlete to an FIE event, whether as a personal coach or as a squad coach must have undergone the online anti-doping training course Coach Clean within the last three years.
Parents: Parents are expected to support our efforts to keep our sport clean. We strongly advise that parents involved in supporting athletes at events undergo the Coach Clean course. All other parents are expected to support efforts to keep sport clean and read the WADA Parents Guide.
More information here.
This Championship, we will not be centrally coordinating flights. This affords the fencer more travel options. The meeting points for fencers travelling to Porec will be Venice, Marco Polo Airport, where staff will be on hand to meet the fencers before that transfer to Porec Arrival to the airport each day should be no later than 17.00
We will publish staff flight bookings allowing fencer to book the same flight.
Cadet Travel Dates
Group 1 – Out CME & CWS – 20th Feb
Group 2 – Out CMF & CWE- 21st Feb
Group 3 Out CMS & CWF- 22nd Feb
Back CME, CMF & CWS 26th Feb
Back CMS, CWF & CWE 27th Feb
Junior Travel Dates
Out JME & JWS – 25th Feb
Out JMF & JWE- 26st Feb
Out JMS & JWF- 27nd Feb
Back JME, JMF & JWS 2nd March
Back JMS, JWF & JWE 3rd March
Other Travel Instructions
23kg will be enough for your fencing bag, providing you pack your fencing kit in your carry on case.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Independent Travel
Athletes unable to travel from UK airports (eg athletes travelling from outside the UK) are permitted to choose to travel independently however they must not arrive on a later date or leave on an earlier date than the rest of the squad. Transfers need to be discussed with BF Head Office.
There will be a daily transfer provided by the competition organisors. All the details will be available at the hotel info point and at the info point of the competition venues.
If you cannot find the information you need on this page please contact [email protected] in the first instance. (Please note that we will not be able to reply to all emails personally but will update this page to answer the most common queries we receive.)
By accepting selection to represent GBR at any European and World Championships you have already agreed to the British Fencing Codes of Conduct. Please act responsibly and sensibly and understand that we are one collective team and respect and support for your fellow team members is expected and reasonable. In addition every member of the squad is being supported by public funding and is expected to behave in a way that recognises the responsibilities that this brings. Funding to compete (whether from public or private sources) is not an entitlement and we owe it to everyone that contributes to our participation to act as professionals and role models for our sport.
As a reminder Youth events are alcohol free for the entire duration of the stay and any athlete consuming alcohol should expect to serve a ban in accordance with the published sanctions. Parents and Personal Coaches attending events are expected to support athletes and are respectfully requested to refrain from consuming alcohol if they are socialising/eating with athletes.
Any breach of BF Code of Conduct may result in fines equivalent to any athlete subsidy paid by BF.