A reminder to affiliated clubs that there is a FREE Playwaze profile waiting for you online. You can log in today and use the platform to communicate with your members and get ready for your return to fencing.
We launched our partnership with Playwaze back in September 2020 and alongside the track and trace functionality, the platform is also powering the evolved BF activity finder that displays all affiliated clubs, sessions (both virtual/online and physical) and our new BFTV content.
The system is accessible for BF affiliated clubs and profiles are ready to be ‘claimed’ by club admins. If you need to be re-sent your exclusive link please don’t hesitate to get in touch and start your journey ([email protected]). Clubs will have control of their profile so they can start to get members signed up for free straight away.
In accordance with BF’s Return to Fencing guidelines, all clubs are required to have a Covid-19 officer and a track and trace system in place to restart activity. Hannah Gavin, Development Officer for Clubs and Regions says, “Clubs need an online system that can be accessed easily in case they have to contact fencing session participants. Paper systems are easily lost and handwriting is sometimes hard to read. An easy, digital system is ideal.”
In preparing to return why not check out our information around running a successful virtual session for your members? It’s more important than ever to stay connected.
Following our online content guidelines, your club can offer safe sessions to your members. Sessions can be managed and participants can join through your Playwaze profile for free.
Check out the useful online guidelines available for coaches wanting to maintain best practise when coaching online. You are insured to deliver online sessions if you maintain your status as a registered coach.
For more information about the Playwaze platform and to view a past webinar around the Track and Trace functionality available please click here.
BF will continue to update our COVID-19 advice here. You can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.