Clubs can now register their appointed individual on their club profile on the membership platform. Follow this step by step guide to complete the registration.
For community clubs, the COVID-19 Officer must:
It is expected that most club committees will appoint an existing committee member or coach to act in this role. If the COVID-19 officer is not present during a club session it is expected that another club official will be appointed to fulfil these responsibilities for the duration of the club session. For example, this can be the coach or the welfare officer.
For other types of affiliated clubs – for example, those that operate within schools solely for the pupils of that school – the responsibilities set out above must still have identified owners. We recognise that many of these may fall under the remit of the existing school staff structure and it may not, therefore, be appropriate to appoint a COVID-19 Officer in a similar way.
For further information and to see the key Responsibilities of the COVID-19 Officer please see here.
It is important for clubs to keep up to date, especially at this time, so please make sure all information on your club’s membership profile is up to date, particularly club secretary and welfare officer contacts.
We will continue to update our COVID-19 advice here. You can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.