NI Sport release guidance on the return of indoor club training in squads as indoor group exercise and training (numbers informed by venue) restarts from 24th May.
For all indoor activity, the following restrictions remain:
This means that affiliated clubs can restart indoor fencing. BF protocols and guidelines with respect to kit hygiene, equipment sharing and adaptations to indoor fencing must be followed. For more information see here.
Outdoor sport can now return in full through the removal of:
This will allow the more informal sporting events, such as 5-aside matches to take place with up to 500 participants, with 500 spectators also.
Schools can resume extra-curricular activities, including indoor extra-curricular sports and outdoor inter-school sport fixtures.
More information
Frequently Asked Questions | Sport NI
Further Changes expected from 31st May
An indicative date of 31 May has been set for the return of competitive indoor sport (subject to risk assessment and appropriate mitigations).
To comply with the regulations any club organising indoor sport training needs to be able to satisfy the following criteria:
A summary of BF’s COVID-19 advice can be found here, with dedicated pages for clubs and coaches. To help you keep up to date, you can also subscribe to our new weekly summary email featuring the previous week’s latest news and announcements. Sign up here.