Outdoor contact sport resumes with increased group sizes in Scotland following First Minister’s speech on 24th August
(Original article published here on Scottish Fencing’s website)
“The latest guidance takes into account the updates from the First Minister on Thursday August 20th with changes to group sizes and adult contact sport (outdoor) among the key changes.
The changes within the guidance will be effective from Monday August 24th or Monday August 31st and this is iterated within the guidance document here.
Whilst we have been part of a mass collaborative, collective effort with partners and government to get the guidance turned round in time, please do reach out to [email protected] with any questions around points of clarity or anything you find ambiguous within the guidance.
In terms of the government route map, we remain in an evolving Phase 3 with the next round of legislative review due to happen in September.
Thank you again to our members for playing your part in protecting yourselves and each other. Please do share your stories on social media if your club can restart or increase its activity and once again please remember we are here and happy to answer any questions on lockdown or anything related to club and athlete development.”
Please keep checking the Scottish Government website link here and Scottish Fencing’s website link here for further updates on resuming fencing activity in Scotland.
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