After a period of maintenance, BF’s new Coach Register is now live. The online system replaces the legacy version which will be phased out over the coming months.
The new Coach Register system lists the profiles of registered coaches. Unlike the legacy system that required manual updates, the new system is linked to BF’s membership platform Sport80, and profiles are managed by coaches themselves.
Originally launched in January 2021, the new Coach Register is automatically updated by pulling relevant data from BF membership. When at least one of the required certificates expires, a coach is instantly removed from the list and notified about which minimum requirement must be updated. When the new valid certificates are uploaded to the member’s account, the coach is added back to the system as soon as they are approved.
The new system gives each registered coach an individual Coach Profile. This is a unique URL where coaches can display detailed information about themselves and their qualifications. It is also possible to leave contact details if a coach wishes to be contacted for enquiries. It is expected that this feature will improve employability and make it easier for fencers to find a coach with a coaching philosophy that aligns with their training needs.
To create a Coach Profile, coaches must upload all the required certificates (find a list of such minimum requirements here) and complete the Coach CV section of Sport80. A step-by-step guide on how to create a Coach Profile is available here.
The new Coach Register is published on the Coach Search page, and consists of a list of Coach Profiles that can be refined by different filters, and are sorted by distance from the user. All Coach Profiles are associated with a postcode (the recommendation is to add the postcode where you usually coach, rather than your home address), but only coaches that choose to be located on the map will be pinned.
You can find the answer to some frequently asked questions about the Coach Register here. Other enquiries can be sent to [email protected].
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