Last updated: 10/12/2024
This page shares some frequently asked questions related to the BF Coach Register. We will continue to update it to cover a wider range of topics and questions.
If you are visiting this page to look for information to help you make decisions about engaging the services of a coach you are advised to follow the best practice advice, here: Engaging A Coach
If you still have questions after reading this page please contact: British Fencing
How do I become a registered coach?
Please follow the steps listed here: Becoming A Registered Coach
I am a registered coach. Why am I not on the Coach Register published on BF’s website?
The most common reasons are:
How do I upload certificates on my Sport80 account?
Watch this short video for instructions:
I have already renewed my certificate. Why do I keep getting reminders from BF?
When you have a new certificate, you need to upload it to your Sport80 member account. Once your certificate is approved, your record on the Coach Register will be updated and you will stop receiving reminders about that certificate until it is time to renew it again three years after its date of issue.
If you have already uploaded your new certificate on Sport80 and are still receiving automated reminders, this is probably because your expired certificate has not been deleted from your profile.
Please confirm this is the case before contacting BF – we will delete the expired certificate and the notifications will stop.
I don’t coach anymore. Can I be removed from the Coach Register?
Yes. Please contact [email protected], and request to be removed. You will then be removed from the list of registered coaches displayed on BF website and from the mailing list for matters related to the Coach Register. Registered coaches that want to be removed will also have their Coach Profile on Sport80 deleted.
I have been removed from the Coach Register. Can I be added back?
Yes. You need to meet the minimum requirements, here: Becoming A Registered Coach
Then email [email protected] to let us know you want to be added back to the Coach Register.
What is the Coach Register
The Coach Register is a list of BF accredited coaches.
The system is simple to manage, as it is integrated with Sport80 and updates certification data automatically. It also offers coaches a useful tool to describe themselves and the option to leave contact details. Search filters can refine the list to show users coaches that are based in their area, thus facilitating the contact between employers/fencing participants and coaches.
What do I need to do to be on the Coach Register?
Steps 1 to 4 above can be done by simply logging in to your Sport80 account and checking the tabs “Membership”, “Coaching Qualifications”, “Safeguarding”, “First Aid”, and “DBS/PVG” on the menu.
Sport80 has a new user interface, to access your member account, first click the banner with your name, and you will see your member area with the menu.
What will happen if I don’t do all this?
You will not be removed from the coaching register, but you will not appear on the online Coach Register until the steps above are completed.
What Safeguarding courses do you accept?
These courses may be face-to-face courses delivered online.
The types of Safeguarding courses we accept are explained here: Becoming A Registered Coach
Will BF accept a different Safeguarding course?
No, we will no longer accept courses such as UK Sport’s online training. Only the courses listed above are now accepted.
Can I attend a renewal course?
No. The renewal courses are not acceptable anymore since 31st July 2023.
Do you accept online safeguarding courses?
The only online courses we accept are:
Do you accept any First Aid training?
No. The minimum training accepted is Emergency First Aid at Work. More information on the minimum standards for First Aid training can be found here: Becoming A Registered Coach
Do you accept online First Aid courses?
Is there any case in which I don’t need to attend First Aid training?
If there is sufficient First Aid cover at all venues where you coach, you can opt not to attend a First Aid course. To let us know that, you can complete a declaration form. This is an online form where we accept an electronic signature. We will send you a copy of the form and upload it to your Sport:80 account.
What type of DBS certificate do I need to have?
You need an Enhanced certificate. Basic and Standard DBS certificates are not accepted.
My DBS certificate is registered with the update service. Why are you asking me to take action?
The DBS Update Service allows you to renew your certificate every year if no change in its status is identified. However, to perform an online check and verify that your certificate remains current, we need your permission first. That is why you have been contacted again after three years since your last check. To give us the data and permission we need to do an update check please complete the form, here: Permission to Access Information Held by the DBS Update Service
How do I apply for a new DBS certificate?
Checks will now be initiated centrally by British Fencing through Know Your People (KYP). You will need to apply to BF to start the process using this form: New DBS Check Request
First Advantage/Know Your People (KYP) will send you a link to start the check by email. You will then have the opportunity to undertake document verification in one of three ways. Learn more about the change of process, here: Change in Process for DBS Checks
I’m in Scotland. How do I renew my PVG check?
Scottish Fencing will deal with your PVG check and updated us on your status. Then we can update your record on the Coach Register. You can contact Scottish Fencing here: [email protected]
Where can I find more information about coaching courses?
New courses are advertised on the Upcoming Courses page.
Is it possible to organise a coaching course for my club?
Yes. Please contact BF’s Development Team for more information.
Can I be a BF registered coach if I have an overseas coaching qualification?
Yes. First, we need to check that your overseas coaching qualification is compatible with the BF Coaching Framework. The steps you need to follow are listed, here: Become a Registered Coach
Do I need to renew my BF coaching qualification?
No. Coaching qualifications issued under the current BF Coaching Framework do not have an expiry date. (Older BF qualifications used to).
BF coaching qualifications issued before the current Coaching Framework was adopted are considered compatible with the new framework and don’t need to be renewed anymore.
Will I be removed from the Coach Register if I don’t complete my Coach Profile?
You will not be removed from the register, but you will not appear online on the new system until the steps above are completed.
How do I create my Coach Profile?
You can create a Coach Profile by completing your Coach Profile on your Sport80 member account. There is a ‘how to’ guide here: Creating a Coach Profile
What does a Coach Profile look like on the new Coach Register?
Each registered coach will have their own Coach Profile that will appear on the Coach Register with a profile picture. When a user clicks the profile, they will be directed to an individual page with information about the registered coach. You can choose what will be displayed on your Coach Profile (profile picture, contact details, a short presentation of who you are as a coach, etc).
Please consult this page first before contacting us. Questions not answered here can be emailed to: [email protected]
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