Reports from Rules, Safety, Honours & Medical Committees. This article forms part of a series of reports which accompanies the 2023-24 BF Annual Report.
During the year 2023-24, the Rules Committee held one meeting by Zoom, in November 2023, to review the proposals being put forward to the 2023 FIE Congress. The proposals for amendments to the Statutes and the Rules were discussed and the position of British Fencing established for the President, Hilary Philbin, to register our votes at the Congress.
Otherwise, the Committee has responded as usual to questions sent in requesting clarification of the Rules.
Steve Higginson, Chair
More information on the Rules Committee
Throughout 2023-24 the Committee continued to discharge its responsibilities which include:
At its meeting on Zoom on 18th January 2024, the Committee discussed the need for Significant Incident monitoring. It was also decided to require the availability of a defibrillator at BF Veterans competitions and to remind the membership of the need to ensure safety of referees and spectators when laying out pistes for competitions. Notices were posted to these effects on the BF website.
It was also agreed that for a trial period the wearing of trousers over 350/800N breeches should be allowed as long as the trousers are tapered/straight cut (ie not baggy) with openings/pockets zipped/sewn/taped closed.
The Safety Committee would like to take this opportunity to remind all members to fence in a safe way and with equipment and clothes that fully protect themselves and their opponents. In particular, we would remind you again of the danger of badly fitted masks, and the requirement for sabre gloves.
To help ensure that Fencing continues to have one of the best safety records across sports, the membership is strongly encouraged to report all incidents, accidents and near misses to the Safety Committee. Forms can be found on the BF website:
Peter Jacobs, Chair
More information on the Safety Committee
The process for proposing 2023 honours by the membership closed at end-May 2023, and the Honours Committee met by Zoom on 6th June 2023. The awards, which are listed in full at the end of this Annual Report, were announced at the 2023 AGM.
The committee also agreed that former BF members who are being recognised for their long service after their retirement from fencing activities may receive honours as well as current BF members and BF staff.
Proposals for the next round of BF honours, for the 2024 AGM, were solicited from the membership from the beginning of January 2024.
Peter Jacobs, Chair
More information on the Honours Committee
Full list of Honours presented at the 2023 AGM
2023-24 activities included:
Other ongoing activities included:
Clare Halsted, Chair
More information on the Medical Committee.